Bibione: beach holidays for families - Eurocompass - Bibione

Place Zenit 5 - 30028 BIBIONE VE
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BIBIONE: the beautiful beach on the northern coast of the Adriatic sea between Venice and Trieste, offers visitors the most modern facilities and services. BIBIONE is especially popular with children, thanks to its immense beach and clean water and the family can be sure of a restul holiday.

It's very easy to reach Bibione by autostrada or superstrada. Confortable wide roads takes you directly to Bibione once you leave the autostrada at Portogruaro or Latisana. Daily bus connection is available to and from the international airports of Venice and Trieste, about 90 Km. from Bibione.

If you want to visit Venice or our hinterland, rely on the experience of the Travel Agency
ARMONIA a Bibione


Corso del Sole 208
30028 Bibione (Ve)
tel. 0431-430092
fax 0431-439095
Agenzia Eurocompass - Piazzale Zenit 5 - 30028 Bibione/VE
P.I. 00385760277 - C.F. ZNNCRL39M17F770D -
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